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"If it exists, it has at least one purpose. Nothing exists, just for the fuck of it. The key words here are: at least one. If you're 'upset' that I used the 'F' word, your focus is wrong." • Kal Korff

REAL History, Matters!

Top Non-Fiction original scientific, investigative, research and reference expose books by Kal Korff and other top researchers, Historians and Scientists.


Operation Pandora's Box exposes hundreds of people. ALL of them will be listed here as investigative, whistleblower, expose, prosecution efforts permit.

Each of these original scientific, investigative, research and reference books meets Kal Korff's Three Charters Of Responsibility for the two companies and UFOlitics, and himself since Oct. 19, 1973:

1. Conduct original research.

2. Finish research left incomplete by others.

3. Study existing issues, find solutions.

#1 Selling Expose of 100 Books on the 1947 Roswell UFO Crash!

Kal Korff is the world's last original Roswell researcher, period. Mentored by "Father of Roswell," Nuclear Physicist Stan Friedman, Kal's articles, books on Roswell first published in 1996, expose 100 pro-UFO Roswell titles and authors. Kal's book was the first to expose Roswell FRAUD Colonel Philip Corso in the year 1999. You do the math. REAL History, matters!

#1 Selling Expose on the Billy Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland!

In 1991, Kal Korff went secretly inside the Billy Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland to expose it. Posing as Billy Meier Belieber Steve Thomas, Kal used this cover story to get original, firsthand evidence exposing Meier, recreating his FAKEship UFO hoaxed pics at the same locations. 400+ pages, 100+ pics, many never seen before. REAL History, matters!

#1 Selling Expose on the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film!

Kal Korff SOLVED the Paterson-Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film in 1977, at age 15. While not knowing the name of the man who wore this costume, the fact this film is a FRAUD was first proven in 1977. In 1998, the man who wore this Bigfoot suit was finally found, so was its costume maker, their confessions are in this

definitive book. REAL History, matters!

Top Selling, #1 Definitive  Exposes SOLVING these Popular UFO, Mystery Cases!

Internationally respected, top Investigative Journalist and Author, Washington DC-based Art Levine, writes the two, most detailed and seminal expose articles in history, on top UFO frauds who have been deceiving the public for decades, who are now also busy "advising" Congress and the Senate, wasting taxpayer money, deceiving the world yet again. Let that sink in.


Not only has Art Levine done his own outstanding and excellent investigations of criminal UFO frauds, hoaxes and scams since the 1990s such as FAKE "Dr." Kevin Randle of Roswell UFO crash mythology fame, Levine was also secretly embedded in ​Operation Pandora's Box (OPB). 

Levine was given full access to much of OPB for 20 months as Kal Korff and his team worked to bring and UFOlitics prosecution efforts and legally protected Whistleblower complaints to officials.


Art Levine's "Spaceship Of Fools" EXPOSES Top UFO Congress and Senate FRAUDS, UFO Lobbyist Whistleblower Disclosure Extremists, Presstitutes, CIA Scammer Ron Pandolfi

UFOlitics TV
UFO WatchCat
Saucer City
Temple of UFOOLogy

Kal Korff's 10,000+ Published Articles, Full Page Specials, Columns, OpEds

Kal K Korff

REAL History, Matters!

Gurmilan Kaur is an Indian Journalist, Entrepreneur and LifeStyle Editor. She was given exclusive access to Operation Pandora's Box starting in 2015, and is doing extensive and historic interviews with Kal Korff and other top researchers who reside worldwide.

An independent Journalist with real world professional news articles and blogs published, Gurmilan rocks!

Gurmilan Kaur's interviews with Kal Korff and his professional colleagues are the most extensive series yet recorded on these topics by a journalist. REAL History, matters!

Gurmilan's interviews with Kal Korff alone, fill an entire book, literally. To read excerpts, select the Accordion menus below. All of the topics discussed here are listed in order A-Z.

About Journalist, Editor, Entrepreneur, Gurmilan Kaur

Gurmilan Kaur is an Author, Editor, Journalist and Entrepreneur in India, whose writings have been published worldwide. A young 'go getter,' she specializes in feature stories and profiles, finish text here.

Inside the Multiverse Worlds

of Kal Korff - WHY It Matters

Gurmilan Kaur's extensive 10,000 word Special Feature on Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Investigative Journalist Kal Korff is unprecedented both in scope, and the degree of access she was given re Operation Pandora's Box, which she first saw being executed in India in 2015. Select Accordion menus to read sections.

Exclusive Expose Q&A with

UFOlitics President CEO Kal Korff

There are a lot of claims made about Kal Korff which exist on the Internet, many of which are provably NOT true! To learn what are easily verifiable facts, browse this section to compare what Kal Korff himself actually says, versus what his haters, cyberstalkers, extremists, UFOOLogists, Presstitutes, and expose targets claim. If their claims do not match what Kal Korff really says, ignore them! 

Gurmilan Kaur's EXCLUSIVE Profile: UFOlitics Inventor, President & CEO Kal Korff

  • 1. Kal Korff goes secretly undercover in Switzerland to expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult, growing his beard and hair long for 18 months, while on Apple-Claris' HyperCard Software Development Team in 1991. The full story appears in Kal's autobiography. In retaliation, the Meier UFO Cult has been harassing, smearing and stalking Kal Korff ever since he first exposed them in high school in 1979, writing his first published book on them. 2. Kal Korff on CNN's Larry King Live solving JFK's assassination, sharing results from his 16 year JFKK database study, debating and defeating former House Select Committee on Assassinations Chief Investigator Gaeton Fonzi. 3. In depth interviews covering subjects A-Z, Kal Korff exposes false claims, dispels myths, dismantles popular misconceptions, reveals easily verifiable facts behind top UFO cases, paranormal phenomena and popular mysteries. REAL History, matters!

    In this section, you will find Kal Korff's viewpoints and opinions on various issues, carefully separating fact from fiction. When encountering claims about Kal Korff, especially from those claiming to be knowledgeable or "experts," please compare Kal Korff's authentic words and perspectives presented here, with information reported elsewhere.


    Ignore what anyone else says, they are NOT Kal Korff, they never will be.


    The greatest thing about facts is that they can always be independently verified. This is true with the facts in this Section and web site as noted. . 

    THANK YOU for your Support!

    Topics A-Z: EXCLUSIVE Q&As with CriticalThinkers, UFOlitics President & CEO, Kal Korff 

  • This is the official section where Kal Korff's views and his positions on various issues, separating facts from fictions as noted here, all appear. If you encounter any claims about Kal Korff which contradict the facts proven here, ignore them. REAL History, matters!

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

  • This is the official section where Kal Korff's views and his positions on various issues, separating facts from fictions as noted here, all appear. If you encounter any claims about Kal Korff which contradict the facts proven here, ignore them. REAL History, matters!

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

  • This is the official section where Kal Korff's views and his positions on various issues, separating facts from fictions as noted here, all appear. If you encounter any claims about Kal Korff which contradict the facts proven here, ignore them. REAL History, matters!

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

  • To answer this question, one must defer to the official UFO Dictionary Project. 

    According to The UFO Dictionary, you can look this up even on this web site, a UFO is simply an Unidentified Flying Object. Any object which is unidentified which flies, is a real UFO. UFO is not a word, it is an acronym.

    The term UAP is also not a word, it is an acronym for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. It is the 'woke' term or today's hip term instead of UFO. It's comical, apologists for using this word will say it exists to "remove the stigma," that's ripe considering the fact that all of the top and most popular UFO Disclosure extremists are frauds with only stinking stigma. They are an embarrassment to the subvject of UFOs and do not represent real UFOlogy. They never have, they never will.

  • This is the official section where Kal Korff's views and his positions on various issues, separating facts from fictions as noted here, all appear. If you encounter any claims about Kal Korff which contradict the facts proven here, ignore them. REAL History, matters!

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

  • What did you do next on UFOs after you found out the Greenhaw case was a hoax?

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

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  • I have NO IDEA, and I am NOT "responsible" for their lies, slander, libel, defamation, cyberstalking, their hatred, these are all THEIR issues, NOT mine. You would have to ask them. 

    I have NEVER been in the military, period.


    I have NEVER claimed to be in the military.

    If I WANTED to join the military I would have joined, obviously. My father was in it, so was his twin brother, so was his other brother.

    While I USED to hold ranks in PRIVATE entities, I was a Lieutenant at Apple for example a shift supervisor in security before I switched over to IT, as in computing; one CANNOT compare that kind or service or legitimate rank to ANYONE who has ever served in the military for their country. They are NOT the same things and ANYONE claiming anything else is really INSANE, a liar or a denier. 

    It's like saying a Zebra is a Caterpillar, when they CANNOT possibly be, and are NOT be the same things. So anyone attacking me, harassing me online, cyberstalking me over something I NEVER DID, I NEVR SAID, well, that makes them criminals because cyberstalking are crimes and WHAT would they say to a Judge or Police? Oh, he NEVER SAID THIS, NEVER CLAIMED THIS, so I ATTACKED HIM and lied about him and have smeared him, have contacted his employers trying to get him fired. They have tried LOTS of things and have failed.

    UFO extremist Don Ecker in my mind STARTED this bullshit and said these lies. He said he would "eat his hat" if I was in the military. He LIED and said I "stole valor." As I replied back then to Ecker decades ago, I was NEVER in the military you lying sack of shit! You don't even wear a hat, your offer is WORTHLESS.

    Since Don Ecker CHOOSES NOT to tell the difference between military service and holding rank for one's country, versus private service NOT in any military while also holding rank which has nothing to do with anything military, that is NOT my problem. This is prime facie evidence that Don Ecker is delusional on this, he is an outright liar, and he cannot defend his IDIOT attacks, because they have NO VALIDITY.


    No one ever claimed what he lost his shit over. But that's Don Ecker. He's like his buddy FAKE "Dr." Kevin Randle, lies all the time.

    Ecker has never forgiven me for exposing him in my Roswell UFO crash book, which remains the bestselling Roswell expose to date, many printings. My book exposes Ecker's lying Roswell FRAUD friends like FAKE "Dr." Kevin Randle, who does NOT even have a REAL 'Ph.D.," but you would never know this listening to Don Ecker. ASK HIM about it. Same with UFO "Watchdog," his other buddy Royce Myers III, who has uneven standards of evidence as I proved last century, and has also lied about me.


    Fuck both of them.

  • I go into all of this, much details, in my autobiography. 


    I did get married, I was married twice. 

    In my first marriage, we married too quickly, that was my fault in my view. I did not know her as well as I should have and when two people marry without really knowing one another as they should, it probably won't work out. 

    My second marriage was even MORE my fault. I married a fraud, I did not know she was a fraud. Gave her every chance. She just used me and lied and never told me she had been married before, never told me she had children, she even staged a FAKE fucking kidnapping!

    We NEVER lived even one day together as a couple, our marriage was dissolved as per laws one year after we FAILED to live a single day as a couple and after I got my visa renewed in India it was NOT as a spouse because I was not a husband for years earlier. She completely used me, when I cut her off financially she threatened to sue me for defamation if I ever told anyone what she did.

    I asked then owner of the newspapers I worked for, Daily Post and Daily World, Mr. Manish Tiwari, he warned me about her and he saw through her and HELPED very much to call her our and expose her bluffs. There was NO DEFAMATION, when she also threatened to tell the US Embassy about me, my reaction remains the same. 

    GO for it! I am NOT the one who was BANNED from the USA for criminal FRAUD, SHE WAS and IS!

    Since we never lived together she never knew shit, and I wasn't going to expose her to anything that I valued because I saw through her and that she was a fraud. She even hid the FACT that we had gotten MARRIED!

    I go into ALL of this in my Autobiography, that is the proper place to explain all of this, not in an interview that doesn't go long or far enough and is not focused on this, but more important issues. My autobiography has everything, it spares no one. There's nothing anyone can do, it's copiously sourced and illustrated.

    Kal Korff goes undercover in Switzerland to Expose the Billy Meier UFO Cult

  • My favorite color is Blue.


    It always has been, I have no idea why.

    I also like Teals, Purples, Blues, Greens, Dark Reds, Black, White, lots of colors.

    Blue is my favorite.

REAL History, Matters!

Gurmilan Kaur is an Indian Journalist, Entrepreneur and LifeStyle Editor. She was given exclusive access to Operation Pandora's Box starting in 2015, and is doing extensive and historic interviews with Kal Korff and other top researchers who reside worldwide.

An independent Journalist with real world professional news articles and blogs published, Gurmilan rocks!

Gurmilan Kaur's interviews with Kal Korff and his colleagues are the most extensive series yet recorded by any journalist. REAL History, matters!

Gurmilan's interviews with Kal Korff alone, fill an entire book, literally. To read excerpts, select the Accordion menus below. All of the topics discussed are listed A-Z.

About Journalist, Editor, Entrepreneur, Gurmilan Kaur

Gurmilan Kaur is an Author, Editor, Journalist and Entrepreneur in India, whose writings have been published worldwide. A young 'go getter,' she specializes in feature stories and profiles, finish text here.

Inside the Multiverse Worlds

of Kal Korff - WHY It Matters

Gurmilan Kaur's extensive 10,000 word Special Feature on Analyst, Author, Broadcaster, Investigative Journalist Kal Korff is unprecedented both in scope, and the degree of access she was given re Operation Pandora's Box, which she saw firsthand being executed in India in 2015. Select Accordion menus to read sections.

Exclusive Expose Q&A with

UFOlitics President CEO Kal Korff

Kal Korff SOLVED the Paterson-Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film in 1977, at age 15. While not knowing the name of the man who wore this costume, the fact this film is a FRAUD was proven as such in 1977. In 1998, the man who wore this Bigfoot suit was finally found, so was its costume maker, their confessions are in this book!

Exclusive Expose Q&A with

UFOlitics President CEO Kal Korff

Kal Korff SOLVED the Paterson-Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film in 1977, at age 15. While not knowing the name of the man who wore this costume, the fact this film is a FRAUD was proven as such in 1977. In 1998, the man who wore this Bigfoot suit was finally found, so was its costume maker, their confessions are in this book!

Exclusive Expose Q&A with

UFOlitics President CEO Kal Korff

Kal Korff SOLVED the Paterson-Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film in 1977, at age 15. While not knowing the name of the man who wore this costume, the fact this film is a FRAUD was proven as such in 1977. In 1998, the man who wore this Bigfoot suit was finally found, so was its costume maker, their confessions are in this book!

Exclusive Expose Q&A with

UFOlitics President CEO Kal Korff

Kal Korff SOLVED the Paterson-Gimlin Bigfoot hoax film in 1977, at age 15. While not knowing the name of the man who wore this costume, the fact this film is a FRAUD was proven as such in 1977. In 1998, the man who wore this Bigfoot suit was finally found, so was its costume maker, their confessions are in this book!

Insert text Here

The Lost Library of Kalexandria is a large online mega complex in Saucer City which contains priceless real exhibits from real history, irrefutable Archeologikal, Forensic, Documents, Photos, Videos, Recordings, Slide Shows, Evidence and Universal Legal Exhibits empowering you to verify real historical events, versus various claims by people and media. Select to explore the facts.

Kal Korff's 10,000+ Published Articles, Full Page Specials, Columns, OpEds

Kal Korff Q&A Interviews, Position Statements, Quotes

Kal Korff • Diverse Articles,

From Politics to the Paranormal

Final Verdict:

JFK's Murder SOLVED!

Kal Korff Goes Undercover,  Exposing Billy Meier's UFO Cult 

The 1947 Roswell


Full Page Newspaper Specials,

Online Specials

Kal's Korner Columns,

Newspaper • Online Versions

Kal Korff Newspaper Columns,

Online Versions, Diverse Topics

Kal Korff Newspaper and Online

Opinion Editorials (OpEds)

Global Travel Pieces,

Firsthand Adventures

Magazine Articles,

Cover Stories

Tech Articles, Reviews,

Diverse Subjects

REAL History, Matters! • Other People's Claims, Are NOT "Evidence" - FACTS Are

The Lost Library of Kalexandria is a large online mega complex in Saucer City which contains priceless real exhibits from real history, irrefutable Archeologikal, Forensic, Documents, Photos, Videos, Recordings, Slide Shows, Evidence and Universal Legal Exhibits empowering you to verify real historical events, versus various claims by people and media. Select to explore the facts.

UFOliticsTV Net: UFOlitics, UFOlitics Saucer City, ARSE, Scandals of Kevin Randle,

FAKEships of the Pleiades, Pleiadora's Playhouse, They DON'T Fly, UFO WatchCat

Mirka Krasnyova, Media Director Press, Media • FREE Downloads

UFOliticsTV • President's Office

Updates, Statements, Releases

UFOliticsTV • Meet Testiclese,

Your Humble UFOlitics Host


UFOlitics, Saucer City

ARSE • Avatar Rendition

Services Exchange

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

REAL History, Matters! • Other People's Claims, Are NOT "Evidence" - FACTS Are

The Lost Library of Kalexandria is a large online mega complex in Saucer City which contains priceless real exhibits from real history, irrefutable Archeologikal, Forensic, Documents, Photos, Videos, Recordings, Slide Shows, Evidence and Universal Legal Exhibits empowering you to verify real historical events, versus various claims by people and media. Select to explore the facts.

UFOlitics TV • UFOlitics • UFOlitics Saucer City

UFOliticsTV • President's Office

Updates, Statements, Releases

UFOlitics TV

Saucer City

ARSE • Avatar Rendition

Services Exchange

UFOliticsTV • Saucer City

Office of Communications

UFOliticsTV • Meet Testiclese,

Your Humble UFOlitics Host

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

Kalossus Grand Temple

of UFOOLogy

REAL History, Matters! • Other People's Claims, Are NOT "Evidence" - FACTS Are

REAL History, Matters!

Question: What would you do if you had enough material for 500 books?


Answer: Publish them!


Kal Korff has 500 Projects he has funded over decades, coming to market or being made public. Each Project here is duly numbered and explained on this site. Kal publishes through major companies, his brands, and publishes other authors' works.

We are NOT the only ones who expose UFO frauds, scammers, Presstitutes, producers, media entities and Politicians who waste taxpayer money playing UFOlitics, manipulating voters, deceiving the public.

Each of these original scientific, investigative, research and reference books meets one or more of Kal Korff lifelong and CriticalThinkers' criteria or Three Charters Of Responsibility:

1. Conduct original research.

2. Finish research left incomplete by others.

3. Study issues, find answers.

The World's #1 UFO Dictionary

1973 Classic Is Now FREE Online

In 1973 Kal Korff created the UFO Dictionary Project, receiving endorsements in publications by Stanton Friedman,

"The Father of Roswell," and Bill Moore, co-author of the original Roswell Incident book. Now, it's being made free, online.

World's Only Diary Exposing UFOOLogy Crimes, Sex Scandals 

Kal Korff is the world's last original Roswell researcher. Working with crash retrieval case pioneer Len Stringfield, this is a unique, fully sourced historic work using exclusive original forensics materials from the 1970s investigations up to 2023.

#1 Insider Account Secretly Hunting Crashed Saucers 

Kal Korff is the world's last original Roswell researcher. Working with crash retrieval case pioneer Len Stringfield, this is a unique, fully sourced historic work using exclusive original forensics materials from the 1970s investigations up to 2023.